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Africa's largest suspension bridge

, Jörn Seitz, Dean Gary Swanepoel, B. Pengyu - 12 juni 2017

Mozambique, located on the east coast of southern Africa with a coastline of 2800 km, is rich in natural resources and is rated as the 4th fastest growing economy in Africa. Part of the Mozambique's National Development Master Plan is to improve the transportation network between the capital city Maputo and the south of the country. To achieve this aim, a bridge is being constructed across the Maputo Bay as a connection to South Africa. After its completion in 2018, it will be the longest suspension bridge in Africa with a main span of 680 m and a total length of 1225 m.


J Haasjes - SWINN 19 juni 2017 08:17

bedoelen jullie een suspension bridge? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suspension_bridge

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